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New Work

New Work: Wright & Ditson

Bright Bright Great is delighted to announce the launch of Wright & Ditson’s new brand identity and web store,

Wright Ditson Desktop Landing Page BBG

 Wright and Ditson is the third and final brand identity and website project of three American Needle brands that BBG has relaunched. Bright Bright Great was tasked with creating a new brand and website for Wright and Ditson that connected the company to the American Needle brand portfolio while making the new Wright and Ditson visually distinct enough to separate it from both American Needle and Red Jacket. BBG designed the new brand identity and web store, developed the website, and did lifestyle photography for the site as part of the project.

Wright Ditson Brand Identity BBG
Wright Ditson Mobile Shopping BBG
Wright Ditson Shopping Pages BBG
Wright Ditson Logo Grid BBG
Wright Ditson Mobile Site BBG
Wright Ditson Portrait 1 BBG Mlmtr
Wright Ditson Portrait 2 BBG Mlmtr
Wright Ditson Portrait 3 BBG Mlmtr
Wright Ditson Portrait 4 BBG Mlmtr
Wright Ditson Portrait 5 BBG Mlmtr