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Dockers & WeWork Present: Always On Sessions (Recap)

“This was a fantastic night with Dockers, WeWork and the amazing speaker panel. BBG thanks all involved for putting this together. Furthermore, free pants!”

Jason Schwartz, Managing Director

Recap Photography:

Dockers WeWork Always On Session Chicago
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Introductions
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Introductions
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Speakers
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Q&A
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Antonio Garcia
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Jason Schwartz
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Crowd Participation Q&A
Dockers WeWork Always On Sessions Antonio Garcia and Dockers Representative

About Dockers Always On Sessions:

Dockers Always On Sessions is a speaker series designed for you. Docker’s has teamed up with WeWork on a series of happy hours featuring up-and-coming entrepreneurs and influencers, covering everything from technology to travel.