Bright Bright Great is delighted to welcome our new Designer, Maayan Brown, to the team. Maayan will be assisting our Art Directors and learning alongside our full team.
As part of her first day, we sat down to ask some questions about what brought her to the BBG team and what drives her. Read her answers below!

What is your official title at BBG?
What got you interested in design?
I’ve always been artistic but focused mostly on motion graphics and illustration in art school. I recently became more interested in graphic design and was able to get some really good mentorship from talented designers here in Chicago, which helped me sharpen my typographic and conceptual skills.
Design is art with a purpose, and it’s a very gratifying field to be in. Seeing a beautifully designed piece of work makes me awed and happy- and I aim to create things that make me (and others) feel that way.
What interested you in working at BBG?
A mentor told me about BBG and said it would a great learning experience at a wonderful company. I could tell from a glance that the work BBG puts out is strong, good design and I knew I’d be honored to get a chance to learn from the talented people who work here.
What is your favorite project that you’ve worked on to this point?
In school I did a rebrand for FTD (Florists’ Transworld Delivery) and got to make a monoline “seal”/stamp brandmark which was something I’d always wanted to do.

What is your favorite Taco Bell menu item?
I don’t do fast food, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you ?. I’ve only been to Taco Bell once in my life and that was in 2008.
[Ed. Note: We realize that Maayan’s answer to the above question is offensive, but we feel it is important to publish her answers as she gave them to us. We apologize if anyone was upset or disturbed by this response.]
What do you hope to learn during your time at BBG?
A lot! I want to get fast and efficient. I want to gain confidence in myself as a designer and while facing clients. I want to become a better designer in general and as one working in the digital space.
I’d love to get more involved with the design community in Chicago and make good connections with my co-workers. I’d like to create work that I am proud of and help BBG keep doing awesome work.
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?
I like to draw, read, cook healthy food, and exercise once in a while. I also have a slight obsession with buying dresses. I love wearing fancy (usually medieval-style) dresses as costumes, so I’m waiting eagerly for Halloween.
What’s your hometown?
Be’er Sheva. A Southern city in Israel.
How long have you been in Chicago?
I was born in Chicago and left when I was a baby. I’ve been back 3.5 years now.
What is your favorite thing about the city?
The buildings. Walking through the city, the architecture and the river are beautiful.
Do you have any pets?
I grew up in a household that had two cats, a dog, a tortoise and at one point, eleven rabbits! Currently I don’t have any pets but I hope to get a cat again someday. My husband is allergic to cats, so I’m hoping for a hypoallergenic breed or something.
Cats or dogs?
Love Cats! I used to have a cat that bit and scratched me regularly, but I’m convinced it was out of love.
Have you traveled? Do you have a favorite culture/country?
I’ve been to Italy, and I spent my honeymoon in Ireland. Besides that, traveling around the world and much of the U.S. is still very much on my to-do list!
What’s something people are surprised to learn about you?
I’m the oldest of 6 kids. I have four sisters and a brother. I can’t drive. I’m distantly related to Amy Winehouse: She is my mother’s-cousin’s- husband’s-niece.