Translation of the Page Magazine Issue 03 John Galliano/Hello Kitty article. (Translation from Spanish to English.)
Hello Dior
Hello Kitty + John Galliano for Vogue Japan. Ahh summer… time for fall-winter collections! And what’s spectacular about this time is that Dior dares to present theirs in Japanese hi-def.
For the first time in Dior’s history, a slightly rounded model will present a clothing collection; and to make things more dramatic, a model that is pure love.
Mademoiselle Hello Kitty, ever so adorable, will make her runway debut showing the latest designs by John Galliano for Dior. Her fashion-forward fans will be able to say hello in the May edition of Japanese Vogue, Vogue Nippon, which will include Kitty posing with Galliano while shopping in Paris. Ah the good life, j’adore.