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Behind the Scenes

Bright Bright Great Company Retreat 2016 Cedar Point

The Bright Bright Great team is hard at work MOST of the year, BUT occasionally we find a break to just have fun and not answer emails. Last week the BBG teams from Chicago and Las Vegas took a few days off for roller coasters, funnel cakes and to rent a beach house on Lake Erie.

Sandusky, OH
Sandusky, OH BBG Retreat
BBG Roadtrip Sandusky OH Cedar Point
BBG Roadtrip Sandusky OH Cedar Point
BBG Roadtrip Sandusky OH Cedar Point
BBG Roadtrip Sandusky OH Cedar Point
BBG Roadtrip Sandusky OH Cedar Point
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Ohio: It’s surprise Florida. Nick Lush
BBG Roadtrip Sandusky OH Cedar Point
The trip was a real emotional roller coaster? Josh Stoik
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BBG Roadtrip Sandusky OH Cedar Point
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Cedar Point: where dreams come true as long as your dream is to smell a stranger’s vomit. Tiffany Stoik

Thanks again everyone for the awesome trip! #BBGroadtrip2016