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BBG Summer 2012 Internships (2): The Hunt For The Awesomest Interns Around

Bright Bright Great Internship 2012
Internships Flyer 2012

Bright Bright Great is looking for 2 interns for Summer, starting in June for 6-8 weeks. Shoot us your best and let’s make awesome stuff together. Wanna apply? Applications due May 25.

We will notify only potentially accepted applicants first week of June. Send your CVV & Sample Work (link to website is AOK) to by May 25.

Internship #1: Design

***Must have experience designing Web Design & Interactive UI elements*** Our client work is skewed heavily to interactive versus print. Show us some amazing work. Feel free to show us some print as well, but we are most interested in web and mobile work. We are killers, you should be one as well.

Internship #2: Strategy & Marketing

This is a new internship for us. We pride ourself on being not only forward-thinkers and pixel-perfectionists, but also have strong depth of intelligence around brand strategy and marketing products.

We are not looking for someone who wants to come tweet all day, we are looking to dig deep into brands exploring unique messaging and engagement. You will still most likely be tweeting all day. We do. Send your CVV & Sample Work (link to website is AOK) to by May 25. Good luck!